Use mooring buoys, or if you anchor use sand and mud and avoid seagrass beds. Use rocks for long lines, not trees.
We float above these amazing worlds – but then drop anchor. When deciding where to stop, look out for marked anchorages and use moorings where available.
When deciding where to stop, look out for marked anchorages and use moorings where available. Do not anchor in seagrass and coral areas as the damage caused by anchors and chains takes decades to restore. Unfortunately, not all of the seagrass meadows are mapped out yet, so they may not appear on your charts, but you can look around to avoid sensitive habitats especially the local Posidonia seagrass beds.
What can you do?
Wear polarized sunglasses to reduce surface glare on the water, which will help you see seagrass beds.
Anchor in sand or mud and not in seagrass meadows.
Tie long lines to sturdy rocks, not to trees, and avoid sand dunes. Trees and dunes protect inland areas from the destructive forces of wind and waves so avoid damaging them. If you must use a tree protect the trunk using a towel.
If you visit the same site frequently, try to anchor in the same position.
Avoid anchor drag, as it can damage the seabed. If your anchor is dragging, raise it and re-anchor. If it continues to drag, choose a different anchorage.
When raising the anchor you should slowly motor towards it and retrieve it when the line is vertical. Wash off your anchor when you leave an anchorage.
If the anchor is stuck, try to free it by hand or disconnect it and mark the site with a buoy for a diver to retrieve later. Don’t force the anchor free by motoring forward.
Avoid prop damage
Scarring and damage is caused by boats entering shallow waters where propellers, motors and hulls come into contact with seagrass beds. As the propeller slashes into the sea floor, or the hull and motor drag across the bottom, they cause physical damage to the crucial root systems of the seagrass and leave a visible scar in the seagrass bed.
Over time, erosion and scouring from waves and currents in damaged areas can result in scars expanding, causing additional loss of seagrass.
Review charts to see where shallow waters are located. Steer your boat in marked channels or deeper water while under power.
When using your tender over seagrass in shallow water, trim your outboard motor up and idle to a safe depth.
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